September 19, 2014

Half Way Home

Hi guys,

We passed the offical midpoint nearly 100 miles ago; however, it didn’t sink in until we reached Harpers Ferry and signed in at the Appalachian Trail Conservacy Headquarters. We each got our photo taken for the official ATC register and walked out feeling on top of the world.

Woo, what an adventure we are living! We are across the Mason-Dixon Line and more over half way to Georgia! Fourteen states down and four to go.

It feels good to be half way, but it feels even better to spend some much needed time with our family!
The McDermids and Adams took on Harpers Ferry, WV and Washington, DC this week! Oh, yes. It was an adventure all on its own. Big thanks to Stacey’s uncle Cecil for letting us crash at his place and making us feel at home.

Being in the South and knowing that we are so close to home is comforting and exciting. Our spirits are higher than ever. Our bodies are rested and feeling rejuvenated from the time off. We will be entering the Shenandoah National Forest tomorrow- something I've waited years to experience.

Let's see, whats’s new . . . Oh, the tribe has grown from 4 to 5 hikers! Luke, also known on the trail as Tree Frog, has decided to rejoin the tribe! We are all super excited to have his energy back with us.

On a more serious note . . . Tuck has been treated for Lyme Disease. He contracted it through a tick bite on his chest and started showing symptoms about a week after the bite. We took him to an Urgent Care and sure enough, it was Lymes. Thankfully, it was still in the early stages. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery!

All for now. It’s way passed my bed time. Thanks for caring about our adventure.

Happy trails,

September 9, 2014

Starve the Ego. Feed the Soul.

How often do you catch yourself thinking, " I really need this in order for that to happen."  Now insert your choice words for this and that , i.e. money --> things, stuff --> stuff. 
Its a never ending cycle of wants disguised as needs.  A never ending cycle that leaves your soul empty, but your home bountiful, however you want to look at it. Instead of being overwhelmed by the obnoxious weight of what your ego says you need, how about taking time to tune into your spirit and realize that YOU ARE ENOUGH.  You are an individual given endless possibilities.  You are the writer,  the director, and the leading role in your story.  The "things" that you give in to due to your ego are not necessities to defining your person.  They are just simply things.    

Rather than being proud of conquering the shit your ego says, be proud that you listened to your spirit.  That you know where you stand with most important person in the world...yourself.  My challenge to you, dear readers, is to not sit and ponder about all the things that you need or events that need to happen, but simply sit back and say I am contented, full, and the best version of myself as I can be.  
And walk out into world radiating light, happiness, and love.  

Below is a humorous info graph from

|| Make the most of yourself for that is all there is of you.||  

September 5, 2014

The darkness brings a new light

The older I get the darker the world appears to be, but I can't decide if it is my naivety slowly leaving my vision, or if it is our culture spiraling down into a dark hole of despair.  But I find myself fighting, climbing, and scrambling out of the dark hole of despair.  I WANT TO LIVE! I want to breath in new adventure, see a new light, and never lose hope that humanity, at its core, is a compassionate, giving, and loving being. Recently, my family lost a close friend, he was an attorney-some may argue that this is not the most admiral position to be held due to some compromising choices one would have to make in the position, but this man, LIVED.

Photo by: Kris Bible
His presence inspires me to never settle and to always continue to climb the mountain of your dreams, that everything you wish can and will be tangible, if you are willing to sacrifice.  In death, we are reminded that our time is indeed short, and can end at any moment.  Sometimes with death, we are forced to acknowledge and reevaluate our lives, at least I do.  As I get older, I am finding myself creating new bucket lists and I am noticing that my bucket list consists of places and experiences, not things.  It consists of adventure not a social status.     So with all the darkness that is beginning to consume our world, I hope and pray that you see the light in the darkness because the only way to make the sun shine again is if we, as a compassionate humane community, become the light in this dark world.  So, my thought for you, dear readers, is to take unfortunate circumstances and allow those circumstance to motivate you to live!

Also, if you do not have a bucket list, make one!  A small portion of mine is listed below.

Jodi's Bucket List (as of now) :) :
1. Travel to Spain - this also includes participating in the tomato fights and the running of the bulls
2. Skydive
3. Bungee jump the canyons of Utah (which I plan to do in May 2015)
4. Hike the John Muir Trail in California (because let's be honest, I love his writing, and I would consider it a privilege to walk where a man that I hold to close to my heart walked and found inspiration.)
5. See/hike the Rockies.
6. Hike Oregon
7. Thru hike a portion of the AT (which will finally happen next month with my East TN SOBO tribe)
8. Teach English as a Second language in a school in South America
9. Volunteer on organic farms throughout the United States
10. Travel to Germany (that is where my family originates)